Maureen Brine has been with Intervention Canada since its inception. A veteran of hundreds of interventions, Maureen is a well-known and highly respected specialist in the field of addictions. She is also an educator and couples therapist. An Advanced Imago Relationship Therapist, and International Addictions Specialist, she has been in private practice since 1985 in both Vancouver and Toronto. She is sought after global speaker, workshop presenter and trainer.
Maureen has been in the addictions field for more than 35 years. She is a former Director from the Donwood Institute in Toronto. Her main focus is Addictions and Imago Relationship Therapy. She is a respected leader in her field and many individuals, families, and organizations have benefited from her skills and understanding in the areas of relationships, addiction, family systems and recovery.
In her work as an addictions counsellor, Maureen has made a life study of the role family plays in the dynamics of addiction. Her practice emphasizes working with the whole family to help each member into recovery. As an adult child of an alcoholic, she recognizes the necessity for this to happen. She believes that interventions help all involved and that they make a difference in the lives of each family member.
She believes Interventions are a "gift of love"; a guided heart-to-heart conversation that can start the road to recovery for everyone involved.